Manifesting Zoom - 15th April

I last hosted my manifesting workshop at the wonderful Babbington house and I really miss hosting this session. It’s usually a January workshop - as people look forward to their year - but if anything, I think manifesting is more accessible in Spring - the action of Aries season and in the debris of Eclipse season - of stepping towards our true self. What I love most about manifesting is how almost ‘practical’ it is for something considered woo-woo. I think I’ve been manifesting to an extent all my life, but it wasn’t until 2020 I learned how it’s not simply a checklist / wishlist for the Universe - but the biggest part is finding out what will really resonate with your authentic joy, satisfaction and peace, not everyone’s happiness should look the same & we almost forget this. In this zoom we learn how to IDENTIFY our authentic peace, everyday ways to improve our subconscious beliefs, how to lean and learn from our shadow, standing up for our child self & beyond.

Please see the link below


Georgia x


The Problematic way we're marketed 'Bridal workouts' & beyond